F. Payment Method

  • Users can pay the order using the available delivery methods in AlloFresh application (virtual account, debit or credit card, Allo Wallet, or E-Wallet (OVO, Shopee Pay, Gopay, Dana, AstraPay, Link Aja, JeniusPay, QRIS). Users can also pay some or the whole amount of payment with vouchers.
  • Payment misuse may cause the cancellation of the user's order.
  • Every payment method has a time limit. Order will be automatically cancelled if the user passes the time limit. Users are not allowed to pay the order that has passed the time limit.
  • Once AlloFresh has verified the payment, AlloFresh will start processing the order. If the payment is unsuccessful, the user is expected to order again using another card or payment method.
  • If the payment or payment status issue persists, users can contact AlloFresh Customer Service.
  • AlloFresh may use a third party service to process the payment. The confidentiality of user’s data is regulated in AlloFresh Privacy Policy.

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