Users can pay the order using the available delivery methods in AlloFresh application (virtual account, debit or credit card, Allo Wallet, or E-Wallet (OVO, Shopee Pay, Gopay, Dana, AstraPay, Link Aja, JeniusPay, QRIS). Users can also pay some or the whole amount of payment with vouchers.
Payment misuse may cause the cancellation of the user's order.
Every payment method has a time limit. Order will be automatically cancelled if the user passes the time limit. Users are not allowed to pay the order that has passed the time limit.
Once AlloFresh has verified the payment, AlloFresh will start processing the order. If the payment is unsuccessful, the user is expected to order again using another card or payment method.
If the payment or payment status issue persists, users can contact AlloFresh Customer Service.
AlloFresh may use a third party service to process the payment. The confidentiality of user’s data is regulated in AlloFresh Privacy Policy.