HG Hair Growth Tonic 90 ml

Rp  144.920
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HG Hair Growth Tonic 125ml merupakan Hair Tonic
Hair Tonic HG untuk pria yang membantu menumbuhkan rambut, mengurangi kerontokkan, menebalkan rambut & menghambat proses terbentuknya uban.

Terbuat dari bahan alami, sehingga sangat aman untuk penggunaan setiap hari merupakan produk perawatan rambut alami yang diformulasikan dari bahan-bahan alami dengan tujuan dan mafaat untuk membantu menumbuhkan rambut secara alami.

Kerontokan rambut secara alami pada umumnya terjadi karena akibat hormon testosteron yang pecah dan membentuk dyhdrotestosteron (DHT). DHT tersebut kemudian menyerang folikel rambut dan akar rambut sehingga menyebabkan akar rambut mudah rapuh dan mengalami kerontokan terus menerus membuat rambut lebih tipis dan lebih kecil hingga mengalami kebotakan ringan sampai permanen .

Manfaat :
- Mempunyai fungsi anti-septik untuk menghilangkan gatal-gatal dan ketombe.
- Mempercepat pertumbuhan rambut dengan menstimulasi akar rambut, sel rambut dan memperlancar peredaran darah.
- Mengurangi inflamasi pada kulit kepala dan stimulasi pertumbuhan sel rambut baru.
More Information
Weight125.00 gram
Selling Unit1
Model Seriesdefault


  1. What if my order arrives later than the estimated time?

    AlloFresh is always committed to deliver your order in time. If there are problems before delivery due to weather or other factors, our team will contact you via telephone, Whatsapp or email.

    If the courier experiences problems during delivery, the courier will contact you. However, if you can’t be contacted/the address isn’t found, then we will take your order back and we will deliver it back at an additional cost for the next delivery.

    So, make sure to fill in the details of your address and your pinned location is correct so your order arrives safely.

  2. What is scheduled delivery?

    Scheduled delivery allows you to choose the day and the hour of the delivery according to your needs. Or you can choose the instant delivery which will be delivered within 2 hours.

    Follow these steps to use the scheduled delivery:

    1. Add products to cart and click Checkout.
    2. Choose the Scheduled option and click Change schedule to choose the date and the hour according to your need.
    3. Click Pay now.
    4. Wait for your order to be delivered!
  3. Does AlloFresh guarantee the delivery of my product orders?

    AlloFresh guarantees the order delivery process by ensuring safe packaging.

  4. Can I change my delivery method?

    Delivery method cannot be changed once order has been received by AlloFresh or once you have made your payment. AlloFresh will proceed your order with the selected delivery method.

Return & refund

  1. How and when do I return a product?

    The deadline for product returns is 1x24 hours on the same day you receive the products. You need to attach a video of the unboxing process. If you have to return the product or get partial funds, the delivery costs will not be refunded.

    These are the conditions need to be met:

    • Products are damaged and expired during delivery.
    • The product does not match your order, either the description or the picture.
    • The product cannot be used on the first try.
    • Products returned are defective, not due to damage caused by misuse, dropping, exposure to liquids, accidents, incorrect installation, improper maintenance orrepair and alteration or damage to warranty sticker, serial number and original proof.
    • Fresh products such as meat, vegetables and fruit have not been in good condition since they were in the shop.
    • Items to be returned must be in the same condition as first received and complete.


  2. How can I request a refund?
    1. Click Order and choose Completed tab
    2. Click on the order with Some items are out of stock label
    3. Click Fill in bank information and fill in the form
    4. Refund will be sent in 3 working days for bank transfer and automatically to e-wallet account
  3. Retur & Refund

    1. Anda dapat melakukan retur atau pengembalian barang apabila:

    • Pada saat menerima produk pesanan, Anda menemukan produk yang rusak (kemasan atau komponen) akibat proses pengiriman.
    • Produk yang Anda terima tidak sesuai dengan pesanan (baik gramasi atau jenis produk).

    2. Pengajuan pengembalian barang dapat dilakukan dalam 1x24 jam setelah Anda menerima pesanan tersebut.

    3. Pengembalian dana dapat dilakukan apabila beberapa atau seluruh produk pesanan Anda tidak tersedia.

    4. Pengembalian dana bisa dilakukan menggunakan metode pembayaran yang berbeda dari yang digunakan saat proses pemesanan.

    5. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk proses refund adalah maksimal 7 hari kerja terhitung sejak permintaan refund disetujui dan pengguna telah memenuhi seluruh persyaratan refund.

    6. Jika ada produk yang tidak dapat dipenuhi, ongkos kirim tidak dikembalikan kepada pelanggan.

  4. Will I get a refund if some products I bought are unavailable?

    For unavailable products, we will refund you through your payment method. Other than credit cards and some e-wallets (ShopeePay, DANA, AstraPay, JeniusPay, LinkAja), you will have to fill in the refund form on the order detail page.

    If the payment method is a Credit Card, the total price of the unavailable product will not be charged to the credit card and the next billing statement will be adjusted.

    If you have not received your refund within 1x24 hours after filling in the refund form (except for credit card and some e-wallets (ShopeePay, DANA, AstraPay, JeniusPay, LinkAja), or if billing statements are fully charged, please contact Customer Service AlloFresh for further information.

  5. Can I exchange a product with a different model / size / product?

    Exchange can only be made with the same model / size / product, not valid for exchanging other products.

  6. When will I get my refund?

    Refund to bank account:
    Refunds will be sent once you’ve filled in all the necessary information regarding your bank account. You will receive your refund max in 3 working days.

    Refund to e-wallet:
    You will receive your refund instantly for these e-wallets (ShopeePay, DANA, AstraPay, JeniusPay, LinkAja).

  7. What should I do if I haven't received my refund?

    If you have not received your refund after the maximum waiting period, please contact AlloFresh CS for further info.

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